USB distributor type-A to 4 x Micro USB length: 0.2 m up to 2.1A

Item number: 400630

: Keeppower

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The USB quadruple distributor supports many mobile devices such as rechargeable batteries with USB input, smartphones, powerbank, torches, e-cig and many more. Connected to a USB Type-A power source, the power is distributed to 4 devices with Micro-USB input.

USB 4-way splitter Cable of 0.2m length and support up to 2.1A.

This cable can be used to charge devices with Micro-USB ports. The current is distributed similar to a HUB, i.e. if the cable is connected to a 2.1A output, for example, it distributes the current to up to 4 consumers, whereby the cable distributor cannot distinguish which consumers are supplied with how much current. The distribution is arbitrarily distributed according to the demand of the consumer. e.g. Connected to a 5V 2A USB power supply, the cable distributes the current to 4 connected consumers that have a 1A charging input as follows:

5V 2.0A  Load 1 Load 2 Load 3 Load 4
With 4 consumers 5V 0,5A 5V 0,5A 5V 0,5A 5V 0,5A
With 3 consumers 5V 0,66A 5V 0,66A 5V 0,66A  
With 2 consumers 5V 1A 5V 1A    
With 1 consumer 5V 1A      

Suitable for: All popular USB power supplies 5V up to 2.1A,  Smartphone, chargers, tablets, torches etc.


  • Cable: USB type A to  4x Micro USB.
  • Cable length 20 cm
  • Manufacturer: Keeppower
  • Weight 20 g

Scope of delivery:

USB 4x cable



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