Xtar VC4 - Charger for Li-Ion 3.6V - 3.7V and NIMH batteries + USB cable

Item number: 500221

: Xtar

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XTAR VC4 is not only the improved version of both VC2 and XP4 chargers, but also the combination of the principle of technological advancement and responsibility for safety and environmental protection. The XTAR VC4 is a professional Li-Ion/NIMH battery charger with four independently functioning charging bays to operate from any 5V USB port.

Xtar VC4 Charger for Li-Ion and NIMH batteries + USB cable

Compatible with all USB mains and car adapters, input voltage is intelligently identified and adjusted. Power supply unit not included;The VC4 can detect, display and charge Ni-MH and Li-Ion batteries at the same time. The large display shows: charging current, battery voltage, battery type and the charged capacity in mAh of all battery compartments.

The charging speed (charging current) of the batteries depends on the USB power supply. It is possible to select a weaker USB power supply, but charging of the batteries is no longer possible at full current. Charging with a low power supply offers advantages for small batteries that can be charged with a low current. Charging large batteries is thus prolonged.
Suitable power supply unit to make full use of the charging current: Item number: 400609 USB 230V adapter 5V 2100mA Universal AC USB power supply unit.

Scope of delivery: Xtar VC4 Charger, USB Cable, Manual German and English

The following Li-Ion battery types can be charged:

10440 / 14500 / 14650 / 16340 / 17500 / 17670 / 18350 / 18490 / 18500 / 18650 / 18700 / 22650 / 25500 / 26650 / 20700 / 21700 / 32650
3.6V/3.7V Lithium Ion batteries.

The following NIMH battery types can be charged: AAAA / AAA / A / SC / C / D.

Product information:

  • Xtar VC4 charger has four intelligent, independently functioning charging bays.
  • LCD display for real time, showing charge voltage, battery status, battery type and charged capacity in mAh of both battery bays.
  • The Xtar VC4 can be operated with any USB adapter. (suitable adapter article no. 400609)
  • Soft-start function avoids battery damage caused by power surge
  • 0V activation function to save deeply discharged batteries
  • IC temperature monitoring to prevent overheating
  • Reverse polarity and short circuit protection
  • Three-stage charging algorithm
  • Charging method TC, CC CV,
  • Intelligent input power identification and automatic selection of charging method and current from 0.1A to 1.0A and max. up to 0.5A x 4 / 1.0A x 2
  • Automatic charge stop, charging stops automatically when battery is full. Resumption of charging at below 3.9V

Test results and manufacturer website: Lygte infoXtarlight

Safety instructions:

1. charge only the batteries intended for the unit. 2.
Please always pay attention to the set charging voltage. 3.
3. only charge batteries with the appropriate charging voltage (danger of explosion).
4. the appliance is for household use, keep away from water and moisture!
5. disassembly and modification are strictly forbidden!
6. please avoid short circuit.

Lithium-ion batteries Charging parameters:

Input 5.0V DC/2.1A
Charging current from 0.1A to 1.0A
Charging current CH1 and CH4 max. 1A
Charging current CH2 and CH3 max. 0.5A
Charging end voltage 4.2V ± 0.05V
Operating temperature 0 °C - 40 °C

NIMH/NiCd batteries Charging parameters:

Input 5.0V DC/2.1A
Pulse charging current 0.1A to 1.0A
Pulse charging current CH1 and CH4 max. 1A
Pulse charging current CH2 and CH3 max. 0.5A
End-of-charge voltage 1.45V ± 0.01V
Operating temperature 0 °C - 40 °C


The above parameters are laboratory tested. Approximate values may vary between charger, batteries and environment.


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