Xtar PB2C - Travel charger & powerbank for two 18650 batteries

Item number: 500234

: Xtar

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3 in 1 a combination of USB power bank, charger and storage box for up to two 18650 batteries. The sturdy plastic case with practical magnetic lid is ideal for travel as well as for home use.

Travel charger power bank for 2 18650 batteries also available in protected version

The Xtar PB2C is a compact device that can optimally fulfil both functions and still save space in your luggage, making it unnecessary to take separate devices with you.

The Xtar PB2C's flexibility is hard to beat.

Another special feature is the built-in balancer, both when charging and discharging in the function as a powerbank, the two batteries are always used equally.

Use as a powerbank:

  • 5V 2.1A and up to 7000mAh capacity (depending on batteries inserted) (this is also enough to charge sophisticated mobile devices away from mains power).
  • For two 18650/18700 batteries (ICR, INR, IMR) results in maximum capacity of currently up to 7000mAh (real mAh, no embellished specifications)
  • Allows you to choose your own rechargeable batteries, replace them when they are exhausted and also change them on the go without tools.
  • Energy efficiency up to 92%, the stored energy actually reaches the device to be charged.
  • The magnetically held cover protects the batteries when used as a power bank and during transport, but allows convenient access to the inserted batteries at any time.
  • The USB output is automatically coded with Apple 2.4A and DCP.

Use as a charger:

  • 2 bays for balanced charging of one or two 18650/18700 batteries simultaneously.
  • Maximum charging current 2 x 1A or 1 x 2A
  • Fast: a 3500mAh battery is charged in well under 2 hours.
  • 0V reactivation of deeply discharged batteries
  • Clean implementation of the CC/CV charging process for Li-Ion batteries with correct termination at the end of charge extends the life of your batteries and protects against overcharging.

Suitable for the following batteries:

LiIon 3.6V/3.7V nominal in size 18650/18700 batteries.

Product information:

  • 2 slots for 18650/18700 batteries.
  • With balancing function for up to 2 batteries (batteries not included)
  • Charging current: 1x2A / 2x1A
  • CC/CV charging method & Repair of deep discharged batteries.
  • USB power bank: 5V 2.1A , max. capacity (depending on batteries used): up to 7,000mAh.
  • Power supply for the charging function via USB power supply unit, USB hub or the USB port on your notebook.
  • Status display via LED
  • Short-circuit, reverse polarity and overheating protection with temperature monitor
  • Compact, practical design with magnetic cover, housing made of flame-retardant material
  • only 85g light.
  • Dimensions: 125 x 58 x 28mm
  • Delivery incl. USB cable & multilingual manual
  • RoHS, FCC & CE certified

Further information and test trials:




Scope of delivery:

  • Xtar PB2C in selected colour (batteries shown not included).
  • USB type C to type A cable
  • Multilingual manual

USB powerbank and LiIon battery charger for up to two 18650/18700 size batteries with balancing function. Fast, compact, practical for on the go.

Technical data:

Input 5V 2.1A via USB type C  
Output    5V 2.1A via USB type A
Charging method    CC/CV with 0V reactivation    
Charging current 2 x 1A or 1 x 2A
Current consumption idle o. acc. 11mA
Battery self-discharge 0.1mA
Resumption of charge 4.0V
USB output switch-off after 10s current < 100mA
Weight without batteries 59g
Dimensions 110 x 51 x 24,5mm

Three-stage charging method:

Stage 1. Between 0.5 V and 2.9 V, the charger charges with low current (approx. 200 mA).
Stage 2. above 2.9 V the charger charges with full current max. 2A
Stage 3. constantly decreasing charging current (tempering)


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