Trustfire 9V block 6LR61 6F22 650mAh BMS protected

Item number: 100292

: Trustfire

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The lithium-polymer technology convinces with higher energy density, higher capacities and low self-discharge. Equipped with Protection/PCB, short-circuit, overcharge and deep discharge protection Li-Po battery can be used just like other batteries NIMH/NiCd in almost any device and without the usual self-discharge. A special Li-Ion charger is required to charge Li-Polymer batteries and the battery will not discharge;

Trustfire 9V Block Li-Polymer Battery ReadyToUse.

Compatible chargers: 

Trustfire 9VBC01
Soshine V1
Opus BT-C900
Soshine V4

Type 9V - block 6LR61 6F22
Nominal voltage 7,4V
Charge end voltage 8,4V ± 0,3V
Final discharge voltage 5,4V
Capacity Typ./Min. 650mAh/590mAh
Charging current / charging time at 130mA 0.32mA - 130mA / approx. 2.5 hrs.
Protection circuit BMS Integrated
Chemical system Lithium-polymer
Size (L x W x H) in mm 48.2 ± 0.3 x 26 ± 0.2 x 17 ± 0.2
Weight 28 g ± 1 g
Rechargeable Yes
Contents 1x Trustfire 9V block
Data sheet LI84V650R4.pdf

Safety instructions:

Lithium polymer batteries are mechanically, electrically and thermally sensitive. Damage, overcharging, Deep dischargeToo high currents, operation at too high (above 60°C) or too low temperatures (below 0°C) and prolonged storage in a discharged state will damage or destroy the cell in most cases.
Charging Lithium Ion batteries requires a special charger that charges the batteries according to a special charging procedure. (CCCV = constant current, constant voltage.)


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