PVC heat shrink tubing ø21.12 mm x 77 mm for 20700/21700 cells

Item number: 400514

: Efest

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Create safety for industrial cells. Suitable for unprotected 20700 or 21700 batteries. (max. length 71 mm).
Also suitable for protected 18650. (Heat shrink tubing must be shortened by approx. 1.00 - 2.00 mm for protected 18650.

Heat shrink tubing in various colours cut to fit 77 mm for 20700/21700 cells.

Many battery suppliers for daily use such as Efest, Keeppower, Enerpower etc. already provide their own batteries with a durable PVC shrink tubing to ensure safety in use. As industrial batteries are built for further processing, the protective sheathing of the cells is not sufficient for daily use.A damaged protective sheathing can quickly be the undoing of Li-Ion batteries. (Short circuit, fire, explosion etc.).

Examples of use:

Replace damaged protective sheathing. Attach additional heat shrink tubing to increase safety (especially important for industrial cells). Replacement for already worn or torn down heat shrink tubing.


Pull the heat shrink tubing over the cell so that the cell is in the centre of the heat shrink tubing. Using a heat gun or a suitable hot air dryer, first shrink the tubing at the positive pole and then at the negative pole. When the tubing has shrunk at both poles and looks tight, the treatment is carried out on the outer surface of the cell.

Tips and safety:

Do not heat the shrink tubing and battery too much, because the shrink tubing starts to shrink at 80 °C already. Do not heat the cell for too long. Do not place the cell and shrink tubing in the oven or microwave. (Fire and explosion hazard)

Scope of delivery: 1x heat shrink tubing in the desired colour


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