Panasonic charger Basic Charger BQ-CC51 incl. 4 Eneloop AAA

Item number: 18007

: Eneloop

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Eneloop is the perfect long-lasting, pre-charged, energy-saving, money-saving, recyclable battery that can now even be used and recharged up to 2100 times.

Panasonic charger Basic Charger BQ-CC51 incl. 4 Eneloop AAA

  • charges AA/AAA 4 cells
  • can be used worldwide (100V - 240V)
  • Timer controlled

Eneloop combines all the advantages of an alkaline battery with those of a Ni-MH battery: immediately ready for use - can be stored for a long time - reusable - environmentally friendly

  • up to 2100 charging cycles
  • up to 90 % remaining charge after one year of storage
  • up to 70 % remaining charge after five years of storage
  • Pre-charged with solar power
  • universal use - from digital cameras to computer mice, remote controls or Wii Remote Controller: eneloop is the perfect power supply for almost all household appliances
  • top performance even at low temperatures down to -20 °C
  • High voltage level - if the voltage is lower than 1.1 volts, many applications switch off or show a signal that the battery is low. A traditional NiMH battery will constantly lose its voltage and very quickly get below this critical level. eneloop on the other hand will keep the voltage above 1.1 volts for a long time and only drop below this level shortly before it is empty.

Scope of delivery:

Charger BQ-CC51, 4x eneloop AAA, instruction manual in blister packaging.

Charger BQ-CC51/Charger BQ-CC51

  • Panasonic BQ-CC51
  • Rechargeable batteries: AA x 2, 4/AAA 2, 4 cells
  • Chargeable systems: NiMH
  • Charge control: Safety cut-off by timer
  • Input: AC 100V - 240V/50Hz - 60Hz
  • Output: DC 2.4V - AA 250mA x 2/AAA 120mA x 2
  • Charging time (for eneloop): AA approx. 10 hours/AAA approx. 8 hours
  • Display: LED x 2, charging: ON, fully charged: OFF
  • Size: 6.5 x 10.5 x 7.5 cm
  • Weight: approx. 105.5 g

Rechargeable batteryrechargeable battery eneloop AA BK-4MCCE

  • Panasonic eneloop BK-4MCCE
  • Type / TypeNiMH
  • Format / SizeAAA / Micro / R3
  • Type. Capacity / Type. Capacity: 800mAh
  • Min. capacity / Min. Capacity750mAh
  • Voltage / Voltage: 1,2V
  • Charging cycles: up to 2100
  • Self-discharge: Still approx. 90 % capacity after one year/approx. 70 % capacity after five years


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