everActive NC-1200 Microprocessor-Controlled NIMH Charger with LCD Display for 1-12 AA/AAA Batteries

Item number: 500508

: everActive

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everyActive NC-1200, the intelligent charger from the everyActive NC series. The NC-1200 can charge between 1 - 12 Mignon / R6, AA and Micro / R03, AAA cells in any combination;

Intelligent Ni-MH charger for Mignon, R6, AA and Micro, R03, AAA batteries.

Microprocessor control with -dV detection, single slot monitoring and battery refresh function ensures reliable and gentle battery charging. A backlit LCD display for each individual charging slot allows you to easily and legibly display the current charge status in a bar chart (corresponds to 25/50/75/100%).
You can charge 16 rechargeable R6 / AA or R03 / AAA batteries in any configuration / combination, capacity and manufacturer.
Ideal for industrial and professional applications.

Key features of the NC1200 charger:

  • Single bay charging for 1-12 NiMH batteries of sizes AA (Mignon) / AAA (Micro) - in any order and combination.
  • Large LC display with battery charge indicator for each individual battery - the bar graph is simple and easy to read (25/50/75/100 %)
  • Powerful: output of 0.5A for AA (Mignon) size batteries and 0.25A for AAA (Micro) size batteries
  • Microprocessor controlled Microprocessor controlled charging with -dV detection 
  • Battery refresh function (discharge function)
  • Mains adapter 100-240V and car adapter 12V included in delivery
  • The charger is protected against short circuits, incorrect battery insertion and overheating
  • Saves up to 30% of conventional power consumption during the charging process by controlling the microprocessor
  • Integrated conditioning process to increase the life of your batteries

AA / AAA NiMH rechargeable batteries
AA / AAA NiCD rechargeable batteries

Scope of delivery: 
1x intelligent charger everActive NC-1200, 1x 100V-240V AC power supply /12V DC car cable for cigarette lighter.

Compatibility 1-12 R03 AAA / R6 AA, Ni-MH
Charging current AA: 16x 500mA
AAA: 16x 250mA
Discharge current 50-500mA depending on type and quantity of batteries
Safety Microprocessor with -dV control
Overheating protection
Overload / short circuit protection
Detection of damaged and alkaline cells
LCD display readable with blue backlight
Graphic display of charge status
Working modes charge, discharge, refresh
Input AC 100-240V 50-60H
12V DC 1.5A
Operating temperature 0 °C - 40 °C
Net weight (without batteries) 308 g
Dimensions LxWxH in mm 239 x 105 x 30
Manufacturer everActive


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