1S PCB - Keeppower PCM KP-1600-S1 (protection electronics)

Item number: 200507

: Keeppower

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1S PCB/PCM- Keeppower KP-1600-1S (Protection Electronics) round ΓΈ16 mm x 0.8 mm

BMS Battery Management System - PCB Protection Circuit for a Li-Ion Battery Cell (Made in Japan). A Battery Management System (BMS) is an electronic circuit used to monitor and control a rechargeable battery system, i.e. a accumulator system is used. The necessity of a BMS arises when several accumulator cells are interconnected to form a battery. The BMS is intended to detect, monitor and adjust the unavoidable production-related variations of various parameters of the accumulator cells, such as capacity and leakage currents.

Application: Li-ion battery packs

Note: After soldering the protection circuit in the battery pack must be activated, this is done by a short charging by the electronics.

Wiring diagram:

B- = Battery minus
B+ = Battery Plus
BM = Battery connection plus/minus (to check the individual cells)
P- = Charge, discharge/input/output minus
P+ = Charge, discharge/input/output plus

You can view the data sheet here: < click here >

  Symbol Content Cryterium
Overload protection VDE T1 Overcharge detection voltage 4.325V Β± 0.025V
tVDE T1 Overcharge detection delay time 1200ms Β± 250ms
AER L1 Overcharge release voltage 4.075V Β± 0.025V
Deep discharge protection VDE T2 Over discharge detection voltage 2.5V Β± 0.05V
tVDE T2 Via discharge detection delay time 115ms Β± 33ms
AER L2 Via discharge trigger voltage 2.9V Β± 0.05V
Overcurrent protection VDE T3 Overcurrent detection voltage 0.15V Β± 0.015V
lDP Overcurrent detection 6.5A - 10A
tVDE T3 Detection delay time 9ms - 15ms
  Release condition disconnect external load
Short circuit protection   Acquisition condition Short circuit
  Detection delay time 150ms - 540ms
  Release condition Disconnect short circuit
Internal resistance RDS Main loop resistance Vc = 3.8V; RDS <=45Ohm
Current consumption IDD Consumption in normal operation 3Β΅A: 8Β΅ max.


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